Monday, March 15, 2010

An Interesting dichtomy

I was attending a Catholic Charities Finance Council meeting this morning.

I can't get over my sense that as our country has become more secular and people don't want to mention God in any context that our government has looked to faith based communities to step into the void.

A void created by the current and future budget crisis.

As we discussed new programs that we are being asked to help I realized that with out the faith based communities there would be no one to take up the slack.

I'm grateful that we have as much as we do and I do feel a "need" to help.

So I guess the real answer for me personally is,

Jeff ... stop bitching, be grateful!

1 comment:

Liberty or Death said...

Isn't that the point? By doing charity, it isn't about recognition for your charity, it is about doing the right thing. Besides, if someone is too blind to make the realization that faith-based initiatives have a rightful place in America and are great contributors to America, then there is really no point in trying to make them see. A blind person simply cannot see. Oh yea, I started the 7 Habits book. If I beat Nick (since he has the books on CD), it will be hilarious.