Sunday, March 7, 2010

Something to think about

First, reforming Health Care is something that most, if not all of us can agree to.

My problem with the current bill is the dishonesty that appears to be a mainstay of Washington. I don't think that we have watched to production of a bill as closely as we have Health Care. Maybe all bills are inherently dishonest.

There is an old saying attributed to several people, you don't want to watch either sausage or laws made. After watching this bill go through congress I will definitely pass on the sausage making.

The bill is a non starter if it is to be revenue neutral. You can not collect ten years of taxes for six years of expenses and say it is revenue neutral.

Fix step one and then go to step two.

That is simple. We must pay as we go. Just as a family can get in over their head financially so can our government. If a family wants to clean up their financial situation the first step is to go to a cash only budget. A cash only budget is the same as pay as you go.

It requires the family to make hard decisions on what to spend on. The family can't live as they have, there will be sacrifices.

The government is the same.

Are you willing to saddle our children and grandchildren to debt we have created? Condemn them to a lower standard of living, higher inflation and more taxes?

If you think this can't happen then read about what is happening in Greece and then with that knowledge let's talk.

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