Friday, March 12, 2010

Musings on a rainy day

It's raining here in Gainesville today. I really do love rainy days, not sure why. I especially like staying in bed in the mornings when its raining, I'm such a lazy bum!

There are a bunch of great songs about rainy days. My favorite is Ricky Nelson's "Rhythm of the Falling Rain".

Ricky's singing at the end of the Ozzie and Harriet show was always one of my favorite parts of the show. Of course I am now showing my age. Anyone born after 1960 is wondering who the heck is Ozzie and Harriet?

So all of you old people out there take a trip down nostalgia street and check out

Heres another random thought (which I think are promoted by blogging!) we used to love to watch my Mom and Dad dancing the Jitterbug to the music of the 40's and 50's. Took a little prompting to get my Mom up but all you had to do was hint and my Dad was "cutting the rug".

One of the really cool things is that he hasn't changed, now 85 and a widower, he'll still get out there and have the women spinning and grinning.

Hope I got his energy at 85! Have a great weekend!!

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