Monday, May 10, 2010

'Saturday Night Live' with Betty White attracts big ratings

'Saturday Night Live' with Betty White attracts big ratings

What a hoot! The NPR sketch about muffins will one of my all time favorite moments of SNL. As funny or funnier than Alex Baldwin and the "Shweaty balls" sketch with the same NPR theme.

I can remember when the show first started, it was a must see for my friends and I. What ever was going on Saturday nights often included getting in front of a TV set for Saturday Night Live. Then again my kids start getting ready to go out at 11:30, I was closing down or at least trying to convince someone that closing down with me was a good idea.

I'm sure there will be a replay and when there is try and catch her if you missed it.

If your technologically up to I think it is now available on the NBC site.

Enjoy and three cheers for Betty White!

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