Thursday, April 1, 2010

More questions than answers

Today starts with more questions than and answers ... Donna's fault!

Can I work a few hours a couple of days a week from home and my office still run efficiently?

Can I get 8 hours (well maybe 9) sleep and still be as productive as I was 15 years ago?

when can I start eating pasta and bread and those delicious baked potatoes with all the add ons again?

Do we still get to have sex (yea I know it's a guy question) as we head toward 60?

Why are all those glorious muscles of my 20's hanging down around my waist?

Will the Health thingy (I still don't know what to call it) really save all of us money?

How do you increase expenses with out increasing your income?

Is this global warming (brrrrr)?

When is Hammel taking us out on his new boat!

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